Overall illustration

In Hong Kong living culture, people focus on manipulating the layers between our ultimate privacy, which is from where we sleep, to the public.
Whatever we shift our living environment from Walled villages to tenement house, we reserved our individual sleeping space as our ultimate private. Then we start arrange the layers outside our sleeping space, in order to set back and protect it as far as possible from public, and undesirable environment conditions, we share out our living space, dining space, toilet to be a part of separation and protection. We add walls or stores in front of or right after our entrance. We lift up our sleeping space to enhance its privacy and avoid humid air.

In a congest city, Hong Kong, we learnt how to share our “protection”. Each family depends on each other, and then form a “big house”, just like our tradition Wall villages.


Client: Competition entry | Central Glass Architectural Competition
Location: Russia
Created: 2016